Forever Green Celebration

The Forever Green Harvest Celebration is a wonderful opportunity for the CDCRC to thank all of its supporters and  partners. More than 50  people came out to help us celebrate the UGI kick off. Well, got to run Chef Eric Boston is doing a cooking demonstration, and I’m hungry..If you are not in the house, you are missing out. You still have time. The Celebration isn’t over until 6:00 p.m.

Kingdom Economics Empowerment Series – November 9-10 (Online Registration)

The CDCRC, Net-Break Strategies and Freedom CDC will be conducting an event in the Kingdom Economics Empowerment Series on Friday, November 9 and Saturday, November 10. This will be a two-day event on “Teaching Christian Entrepreneurs How to Succeed in the Marketplace”. The specific topic will be “Doing Business God’s Way”.

The event will be held at the Omega Baptist Church, 1821 Emerson Road in Dayton. The registration fee will be $20 per person for early-bird registrants (through November 2) and $25 per person at the door.

Please read the event flyer for more detailed information.

Online registration is available on our online Registration Page.

Kingdom Economics provides education, coaching and accountability through quarterly education, empowerment, networking, on-going coaching and accountability.

Harvest Party and UGI Fundraising Kickoff

Urban Green InitiativeThe CDCRC invites you to attend the “Forever Green” Harvest Party and fundraiser event that will be held on Saturday, October 27 from 12:00 noon until 6:00 p.m. at the CDCRC offices at 323 Salem Avenue. The Harvest Party will be a COMMUNITY CELEBRATION to kick off the CDCRC’s Urban Green Initiative. Everyone is welcome!

The Harvest Party will be used to outline the “going green in the hood” plan to create a leaner, cleaner, greener environment in our neighborhood. The CDCRC is leading the way by improving the energy efficiency of its office building at 323 Salem Avenue and by identifying opportunities and sharing best practices for other similar projects in our community.

The CDCRC’s economic development plan, which will bless the community as a whole, will also be detailed.

For more information about the fundraising campaign and to support our Urban Green Initiative, please go to our UGI donation page.

We wish you peace, prosperity and power during this Harvest season!; and we hope to see you at the Harvest Party on October 27.

Free Event – Entrepreneur Mentor Day – October 2

On Tuesday, October 2, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and AARP are hosting a free event to match entrepreneurs over the age of 50 with mentors who have small business experience. National Encore Entrepreneur Mentor Day is part of a larger effort by SBA and AARP to promote entrepreneurship among individuals of ages 50 and older.

The Dayton-area event will be held from 9:00 am until noon at The Entrepreneurs Center, 714 E. Monument Avenue. Follow this link for more information.

Angel Auto Success Stories

The CDCRC has partnered with Dayton-Xenia Auto to create an automobile donation program called “The Angel Auto Network”. Through the generous donations of automobiles by caring individuals in the community, we are able to provide safe, affordable transportation to some of those most in need.

Please follow this link to read about the Angel Auto Success Stories.

Please Help By Making A Cash Donation Today

We have never been busier, and have never had so little to keep our doors open. That’s it . . . plain and simple . . . we need your financial help to keep our doors open so that we can continue our programs to create community wealth in our neighborhoods.

We have also made it easy and safe for you to donate online through PayPal. You may use the PayPal option even if you don’t have a PayPal account because PayPal also accepts most major credit cards.

To make a donation today, please go to our Donate and Volunteer page.

CDCRC Earns Green Business Cerftification

On Tuesday, May 29, the Dayton Regional Green 3 (DRG3) recognized more than 40 local businesses, including the CDCRC, that have earned the “Green Business Certification” by taking voluntary steps to protect, preserve and improve the environment. Please see the media release for a listing of the other businesses.

To date, 58 businesses have earned the Green Business Certification, which means that they have taken basic “green” measures to reduce their ecological footprint, reduce their energy and resource use, and save money in the process.

Press Conference to Recognize Green Businesses on May 29

The Dayton Regional Green 3 will hold a press conference on Tuesday, May 29 to recognize Green Certified Businesses that have taken voluntary steps to protect, preserve and improve the environment.

The press conference will begin at 10:00 am in the Montgomery County Administration Building Lobby at 451 West Third Street.

NAACP ACT-SO Car Wash – May 12

The ACT-SO (Afro-American, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics) Group of the NAACP will be conducting a car wash on Saturday, May 12 at the Trotwood Kmart. The hours for the car wash will be 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, rain or shine.

This is a National Competition Fundraiser to support our youth. The price for cars and small trucks will be $8.00 and larger vehicles will be $10.00. All donations will be accepted.

Please see the ACT-SO flyer for more details.